“There is no mountain too big to conquer.”
Rochelle Steyn
Rochelle Steyn works within the Accounting division at CMV and is currently studying towards her Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting Sciences.
She has been with CMV for 3 years and 5 months. Since starting her career at CMV, Rochelle has noticed a distinct increase in her performance and quality of work, which she attributes to the positive work environment and supportive team environment. She plans to keep this momentum going into the future.
Rochelle enjoys working for CMV because she feels that it is a second family to her. She loves working for a company that strives to provide the best service to their valued clients.
Her philosophy is that there is no mountain too big to conquer.
If you would like to get in touch with Rochelle, please feel free to contact her on 012 991 4400 or at
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