CMV Group – Accountants & Legal Consulting


“No job is too big or too small.”
Christo Bosch
SAIPA Accountant

Jan Christiaan Daniel Bosch, better known as Christo, has been with CMV for 6 years and 2 months. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Financial Management Sciences, which he attained at the University of Pretoria, and currently works within the Accounting division.

His biggest accomplishment whilst working at CMV is receiving the Best Junior Clerk award 3 times in a row, in 2014 – 2016. He also became a member of SAIPA during his tenure with CMV. SAIPA, the South African Institute of Professional Accountants, is one of South Africa’s foremost accountancy institutes.Christo was instrumental in bringing the idea of a CMV Section 12J Investment Company to fruition. He spent countless hours researching and analysing Venture Capital Companies (VCC) and the value of introducing a VCC into the current CMV portfolio. Christo therefore co-founded Perseus VC1, a SARS registered Section 12J Venture Capital Company that empowers individual tax-payers to create wealth by paying less tax.

He likes working for CMV because it provides him with the freedom to diversify within the Group and to live out his passion without corporate ladder constraints. He also thoroughly enjoys the family-oriented atmosphere and culture at CMV.

Christo’s philosophy is that no job is too big or too small. He strives to provide a professional service with successful end goals for the end user.

If you would like to get in touch with Christo, please feel free to contact him on 012 991 4400 or at

“Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”
René Albertyn
SAIPA Accountant

René Albertyn works within the Accounting and Taxation divisions at CMV. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Accounting Sciences, obtained from UNISA, as well as a certificate in Advanced Taxation.

In November of this year, René will have been with CMV for 8 years. She started her career at CMV as a trainee accountant, proving to be an immeasurable asset to the team. She was, therefore, promoted to senior accountant, where she showed a talent for leadership and was subsequently tasked with heading up her own sub-division. René’s team consists of 4 trainee accountants and 2 professional accountants, including herself.

She sets an exemplary example for her team and encourages them to be involved and to take pride in their work and accomplishments. This creates an atmosphere that allows for personal and professional growth.

René enjoys working for CMV because she feels respected and valued for what she brings to the company. She believes that CMV truly values people on a personal level, which makes difficult times at work easier to manage, as she feels a part of a ‘work family’. René also thrives in this environment because she finds her tasks challenging and in alignment with her career goals.

Her philosophy includes the following:

  • “Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”
  • “Start from where you are, with what you have, because what you have is plenty.”

René also feels that, in order to succeed, you must be willing to work hard and attempt everything with a positive attitude. Moreover, she believes that one should be passionate and accept that, in order to grow and excel, one will experience some discomfort.

If you would like to get in touch with René, please feel free to contact her on 079 350 2262 or at You are also welcome to connect with her on LinkedIn.

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied upon as professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your financial adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)

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